Suspend the Gas Tax

The Motorist Rights Coalition is calling for the suspension of the gas tax during high gas price periods. When oil prices rise, gas costs increase, leading to higher tax burdens on consumers. The government exacerbates this by maintaining the gas tax even during price surges and diverting a significant portion of it to non-transportation projects.

Why It’s a Problem

The imposition of the gas tax during periods of high gas prices presents multifaceted problems for individuals and the economy at large. Firstly, it significantly inflates day-to-day commuting costs and makes travel financially burdensome for individuals and businesses alike. The escalating price of gas not only erodes people’s disposable income but also amplifies the shipping expenses of essential goods and services, compounding economic strain. As citizens struggle with mounting expenses at the pump, the lack of relief measures from legislators fosters feelings of alienation from the government. Moreover, the impact of the gas tax extends beyond drivers, affecting all individuals as it drives up the cost of living. Furthermore, its regressive nature exacerbates socioeconomic disparities, disproportionately burdening lower-income individuals and families.

Here’s the Solution

The Coalition for Motorist Rights is advocating for the suspension of the gas tax during periods of high gas prices, particularly when prices reach a certain threshold, such as $4 in 2023 dollars. This proposal aims to alleviate the financial burden on consumers during times of price surges and ensure that individuals and businesses are not unfairly taxed when already facing increased transportation costs. Additionally, the coalition is focused on educating the public about the true impact of the gas tax, emphasizing how it contributes to higher commuting expenses, increased costs of essential goods and services, and socioeconomic disparities. By raising awareness and advocating for policy changes, the coalition seeks to bring relief to individuals and promote a more equitable system that takes into account the economic challenges faced by motorists.

Here’s How Your Life Will Improve

The solution proposed by the Coalition for Motorist Rights to suspend the gas tax during high price periods will have a transformative impact on motorists’ lives. It will create a deflationary effect on the cost of gas, making it more affordable for individuals and businesses. This, in turn, will have a positive economic impact, leading to fewer price hikes for goods and services due to reduced fuel costs along the supply chain. Importantly, this solution is evergreen, as it accounts for future spikes in the price of oil and gas, offering a consistent mechanism for providing relief to constituents during times of economic strain. The proposal not only offers a practical and swift action that lawmakers can take to provide relief for their constituents but also garners support from both sides of the political aisle, highlighting its bipartisan nature. Ultimately, this solution stands to benefit everyone by addressing economic challenges, promoting affordability, and fostering a more supportive environment for motorists and consumers alike.

The Facts About the Gas Tax

  • Virginia’s Gas Tax: Virginia has the 9th highest gas tax in the country and is in fact more than twice that of New Yorks
  • State & Local Gas Taxes: The average state gas tax is 32 cents per gallon.
  • Federal Gas Tax: Gas taxes can significantly contribute to the financial burden on consumers. For instance, in the United States, federal taxes alone make up about 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel. 
  • Combined Tax Burden: When combined with state and local taxes, the total tax burden on gasoline can vary widely but often exceeds 50 cents per gallon in many states. This means that for every gallon of gas purchased, a substantial portion goes toward taxes. 
  • Disadvantaged Communities: The added cost of gas taxes directly leads to increased expenses for households and businesses, particularly affecting those with lower incomes. During periods of high gas prices, the cumulative effect of gas taxes further exacerbates financial strain, ultimately impacting the overall cost of living for both individuals and families.
  • Average Fill Ups Per Year: Research indicates that Americans fill their gas tanks around 50 times per year on average.  
  • Average Gallons Per Fill Up: Motley Fool estimates that the average American goes through 656 gallons per driver per year. 

Next Steps

The Coalition for Motorists Rights is dedicated to advocating for the suspension of the burdensome gas tax, recognizing its adverse impact on individuals and communities. With a shared commitment to fostering positive change, we have outlined a strategic roadmap to guide our efforts towards achieving this goal. Through grassroots mobilization, legislative engagement, and strategic alliances, we aim to effect meaningful reform and champion the rights of motorists across our state in the following 5 simple steps…

Step 1 – Collect 10k signatures by the start of 2025 legislative session

Step 2 – Present the petitions to legislators

Step 3 – Get legislation introduced in both chambers of the state legislature

Step 4 – Get cosponsors for the bill

Step 5 – Educate people on the true impact of these enforcement cameras

How Are Other States Addressing the Issue

As gas prices continue to fluctuate, several states are taking action to address the impact of the gas tax on consumers. Following the precedent set by states like Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, New York (which temporarily suspended its gas tax), and Florida (which implemented a fuel tax holiday), other states are also considering measures to mitigate the burden of rising fuel costs. These actions include potential adjustments to gas tax rates or temporary suspensions to alleviate the financial strain on residents. By actively responding to the dynamics of gas prices, states aim to provide relief to motorists and businesses while ensuring the sustainability of transportation infrastructure funding.

The Cost of Inaction

The cost of inaction regarding the pressing issue of the gas tax extends beyond mere fiscal implications; it encompasses far-reaching consequences for both individuals and the broader economy. Failure to address the growing concern of the gas tax could inflict unnecessary harm on the economy, as higher fuel prices compel people to cut back on traveling, affecting industries reliant on transportation and tourism. The strain of increased fuel costs diminishes disposable income for families, exacerbating financial burdens and potentially plunging more individuals into poverty. Moreover, the regressive nature of the gas tax disproportionately impacts low-income households, intensifying economic disparities. Thus, the ramifications of neglecting to address this issue extend beyond financial concerns, permeating various facets of society and exacerbating existing inequalities.

Why We Need to Act Now

Motorists must take immediate action to address the issue of gas taxes, recognizing the inevitability of price spikes that will persist in the foreseeable future. As fuel prices continue to fluctuate, it is imperative to acknowledge that individuals will inevitably feel the impact when their wallets become lighter once more. The urgency to act stems from the necessity to combat the inflation problem and provide relief for motorists who are already grappling with numerous financial burdens. With each passing day, the economic strain inflicted by rising fuel costs deepens, exacerbating the suffering experienced by countless individuals and families. Therefore, proactive measures are essential to mitigate the financial hardships imposed by gas taxes, ensuring stability and economic well-being for motorists and communities alike.

What You Can Do

Do you care about this issue as much as we do? Here’s how you can help…

  • Sign the Petition
  • Share it with Your Friends
  • Post it on Social Media
  • Contact your legislators
  • Donate
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  • Talk About it with Your Friends
  • Get our Bumper Sticker/Yard Signs
  • Volunteer – Knock Doors for Candidates Friendly to our Cause
  • Help Fund Our Efforts